Eliminating Mold Spores On Your Property

Mold is a tricky thing to tackle. Once you think that you’ve eliminated the problem, somehow, it seems to resurface when you least expect it. If you don’t know how to remove mold from your home or business properly, then anything that you do won’t stop the regrowth of mold spores. 

Having mold spores continue to grow can have all kinds of adverse effects on you, your family & friends, or if you’re a business owner, your staff, and consumers. The old remedies of cleaning up the mold (wiping with bleach, disinfecting the area, etcetera) only work on the surface level. Still, they don’t get to the root of the problem. 

Suppose If you have a repetitive growth of mold spores. In that case, it may be time to consider getting electrostatic fogging services by PROS Make Ready Sanitizing Services to take care of the underlying mold growth. 

What Can I Do To Prevent The Growth Of Mold Spores?

Growing mold inside your property can be a problem that you may not truly understand how to grasp control. Sometimes we tend to miss the signs of our environment that may be facilitating the growth of existing mold spores, but here are a few things to keep an eye out for: 

  • Seeing a source of moisture but not a lot of light

  • An earthy (musty) smell in certain places

  • Warping, peeling, or cracking on the materials, you find the mold growing on.

  • Visibly seeing the growth of mold spores.

  • You are constantly battling flu-like symptoms or have a lingering cold

  • Your property has a history of flooding

  • You’re having more headaches than usual, and they’re constantly getting worse.

If you can see any of these signs or are physically feel these symptoms, more than likely, you have a case of mold spores growing that needs to be removed immediately. Knowing that you have the problem is the first step in the right direction...but what can you do to prevent the problem? Here are a few tips to get you started: 

Take Care Of The Leaks: Leaks in your home or property can lead to standing water which can help mold grow and thrive, especially if the water is in a dark area.

Have Good Ventilation: Ensuring that you have excellent airflow in your home or business is a great thing, but ensuring that your air ducts and vents are clean and clear of debris, dust, and other obstructions will help prevent moisture from gathering. Also, making sure that the exterior areas of your foundation are sealed will help stop water from collecting at the base of your property.

Use A Dehumidifier: Placing a dehumidifier in your home/business’s lower levels will help control the moisture. This method will require you to monitor it regularly, adjusting the moistness when needed.

Having An Electrostatic Fogging Treatment: Getting regular fogging services in your home or office will help eliminate mold spores. Not only will it get rid of the spores, but it will also sanitize the areas and renew the environment. Fogging will remove the earthy/musty smell from the site and eradicate any dander and allergens in the air, improving the air quality. 

Let PROS Make Ready Sanitizing Services Help You Today!

Mold spores on your property are dangerous and unnecessarily put people’s health at risk. The damaging effects that mold creates are something that can’t be overlooked. The professionals at PROS Make Ready can come to your property and use our patented application services to not only kill the mold spores but ELIMINATE them and refresh the interior environment. 

If you have any questions or would like to schedule service, feel free to contact us today at (405) 777-3216 or click here to get started! 

It's a toxic world out there. Bring some peace of mind to your corner of it.

Caleb Roche

Located in Edmond, Oklahoma, Caleb is a Marketing Consultant that helps businesses build better marketing strategies. Combining strategy with implementation, he focuses on building long-term customers through data-driven decision-making. With experience working with both small and large companies, he has the experience to help businesses create strategic marketing plans that focus specifically on each business’s strengths, not just a one size fits all/template-based strategy.


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